Nobody is a stranger to CBD oil anymore. The oil is becoming an international phenomenon. In Scandinavia, the Google-searches for ”bästa CBD olja” are becoming increasingly more frequent and nobody has any idea where this is going. If you’ve yet to learn about CBD oil — read along — as the positive effects of this food supplement seem to be something amazing and more people are starting to swear by it.

CBD oil internationally

Recently, the very popular podcast host Joe Rogan had talked about CBD oil. The man called it the most interesting food supplement he’s encountered yet. With those words the Internet exploded. What is CBD oil? The host didn’t elaborate — he whimsically mentioned it and left it hanging, as he usually does, and so many listeners decided to do their own research.

One blogpost after the other starting popping up. Today, a massive number of people are taking CBD oil and swearing by its benefits. Many say it’s relieved them from anxiety — the mental disorder that’s so far been so hard to solve. Others have said that it’s cured them from depression. Depression’s the great issue of our time. CBD oil apparently is a good contender in this arena.

Joe, the host mentioned earlier, said it helped a fighter-friend of his recover from an injury. Physically and mentally.

What is this supplement exactly?

CBD oil is an extract

CBD oil is an extract derived from hemp. As most things connected with hemp — this immediately gives it a bad wrap. Maybe this is why it’s not already mainstream. The negative dogma around the word “hemp” needs to be addressed or we’ll never enjoy the benefits of that plant. Anything can be bad if not done in moderation. Hemp contains a lot of positive properties — some negative that have been used in drugs in the past — but also some incredibly positive ones — like CBD.

CBD stands for cannabidiol and is one of the substances contained in the hemp plant. Hemp is a plant of many substances. Around 12 known so far. 1 of them is the one that’s deemed illegal and is the one that can be found in drugs. One other substance is CBD. Not illegal and legal in almost every country in the world.

CBD can currently be found in most food supplement stores and is sold in the same way that vitamins and other supplements are sold. These types of supplements are known to have positive properties but can not be called “medicine” and are instead sold and used as food supplements. If you’re deficient in vitamin-C you might feel some negative symptoms — vitamin-C tablets might in that case do you good. They aren’t a medicine, just a supplement. In the same way, if you’re feeling anxious or depressed, CBD might be a good pick-me-up for you. There are barely any known side-effects besides temporary sleepyness or feeling too comfortable if taken in excess. These effects fade away after a few hours. The risks are very few with CBD and the positive parts are enormous.

If you’re interested in reading more about CBD and what it is — run a simple Google query. You’ll find plenty of articles, in all languages.

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