Every worker at least once in his life faced with issues of non-payment of salaries, dismissal, non-provision of holidays, and other violations of their rights. It is often almost impossible to achieve justice on your own. But unions are capable of this, however, some workers are still skeptical about them.

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What Unions And Their Kinds Are?

Let’s see what a union is. In simple words, this is a group of people who have come together to negotiate with the owners of companies, corporations about the formation of wages, and other working issues. There are a considerable number of such unions since they represent the interests of many workers in various industries.

Today, unions have become associated with an outdated economy. That is, with companies that work under tight control. It is worth noting that many countries strongly regulate the creation of unions or even prohibit them.

How Are Such Negotiations Held?

Let’s simply consider this process. Suppose you are a worker in a mattress factory. You are not very happy with the work, you spend a lot of time on your feet, the building is very hot in the summer and it is too cold in winter.

In addition to all this, you have a salary that barely meets the cost of living. All attempts to convey their indignation on these issues to their boss end with a proposal to leave the workplace. But you cannot afford to do it

You decide to gather other colleagues with the same problems and go to your superiors with the requirements to improve your working issues. You tell the authorities that if they do not agree with your conditions, then you will strike and disrupt the production process of the factory.

This is essentially the simplest example of how such negotiations are conducted. In unions, a leader is chosen who, together with the employer, reviews the contracts of workers. And the leader defends questions about wages, vacations, and so on.

This is very similar to a deal, but not a bid for a price cut. In such a transaction, both parties are trying to achieve the result that will satisfy them.

The Key Benefits of Unions

  • Unions can help increase salaries for each type of employee. It is worth noting that the salary of an employee who is in the union is more than the salary of who are not included in it.
  • For some demographic groups, salaries maybe even higher.
  • Union workers have the right to ask for high-quality benefits: health insurance, pensions, paid sick leave, and leave due to family circumstances.
  • Unions provide benefits for children from low-income families.
  • It is worth noting that according to some studies, children whose parents were union members went to college. This is because the wages of members of the union are much higher.

Unions Organize Formal Processes for Disputes and Complaints

Unions help workers resolve various disputes between other employees and management. Regardless of the status of the worker, everyone has the right to file complaints. Some unions even provide a subsidy for legal costs, employees who file a complaint with their superiors. And for this, workers do not have to be part of the union.

Some Things That Don’t Always Benefit Employees

  • Unions levy fees on workers who pay salaries for leaders and salaries to workers during strikes. Such contributions can have both a fixed price and a moving price. For example, the average payout to unions can range from 2-4% of the salary of employees. And this is only on average!
  • Sometimes unions can glow in the office. For example, to set up bosses and subordinates against each other.
  • Get ready for a lack of autonomy. When you join an alliance, you automatically agree with the decisions that leaders make. Even if you don’t like a solution, you still have to agree. So if you like to defend your point of view, then it will be difficult for you in such moments.
  • Contributions to union goals are not always spent on goals that bring workers.

Do Unions Help Today?

In most cases, they are really able to help. The answer depends on the particular unions and how their activities occur. In fact, when you have problems with your employer and you can’t solve them yourself, it’s best to seek help from unions.