The massive popularity of video games on smartphone devices has pushed many app developers to design lucrative mobile games for generating more revenue. Two major app stores, iOS App Store and Google Play Store are experiencing huge revenue from the gaming apps. Developing a game for any platform is very easy now, but to market it is a little bit tricky. The mobile gaming app needs good marketing strategies before launching in order to make the launch much effective and wide. Below are a few ways to market your new video game in 2020. These ways will be helpful for you to reach and target audience.

Game Marketing on YouTube

YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google. Making an appearance on YouTube is very important if you want to market your newly developed game. It will open opportunities for promoting the game and engage the potential players and gaming reviewers. Make a channel on YouTube and create a promo video to use as a teaser. Include great graphics and soundtrack along with important pieces of information that will attract more people towards your video. Once your video for promoting the game is uploaded, then add the link in the description of the app stores and other social media channels.

App Store Optimization for Games

App Store Optimization is specifically done as a video game marketing strategy. It runs through a series of tactics and allows you to improve the game ranking and visibility on the app stores. It is a little bit complex but very powerful. You can hire anĀ Igaming Marketing Agency that is capable of handling all your marketing work on the app stores. The marketing agency will make your game discoverable on the app stores’ search results which results in to drive traffic to your game’s page.

Create Forum to Discuss Your Game

An online forum is a great way to build trust by meeting other players and interacting with the game developers. Create a forum for your game to attract a large number of people. Your forum may receive both positive and negative comments overtime. It is better to engage with people that are your customers rather than engaging with all. Negative comments can be disappointing but there are many opportunities to improve your gaming app.