Some people might think that Online Browser games are gone. But let me stop you right there and tell you that they are not. Online gaming is still immensely popular and a lot of webmasters are still doing it. Recently, I was together with my friends and decided to play a little game of Truth & Dare with the help of an app. But before downloading an app which i plannned on using for only 1 day, I thought about searching for a website. And I found one here -> and I was very impressed by it.

Is Online Gaming still in demand?

Yes. The above website is a very good example. And on researching, I found a lot more websites about online gaming. We all know Aplikasi Judi Online or Card games are very popular. But if you are creative enough you could create any kind of browser game.

How to Build an Online Game using WordPress?

Remember that WordPress is built on PHP, HTML & JS. So if you can build a game using those technologies, you can easily do it with WordPress as well.

Step 1 – Choose your core language

Will your game depend primarily on PHP or JavaScript. Or would you be using a JS Library (like Angular, React or JQuery). In all of these cases, preplanning is of utmost importance. All three of them will integrate beautifully with WordPress.

You can write the code an integrate is as a plugin, which is our recommended way.

Step 2 – Database

Would you require a Database? For example, the above truth an dare game requires a static database. It won’t save anything like Current Score, Highest Scores, Current Level or user progress. But if your game requires those things, you could easily integrate it with a WordPress Database. WordPress will make it easier for you to accept new user registrations, and manage their profile.

Thus, saving a lot of time and code.

Step 3 – Performance

Games can be a bit heavy if they involve a lot of graphics. So if you plan on building a small game, creating a web app sounds great. But if your game involves graphics which have size over 3-4 MB, it might not be a good idea to implement it using WordPress.

Such heavy games are better if shipped as a native app. But you can surely use wordpress as a support forum or online community for your game.