Developing a website is very easy. I have been into this business for over a decade now.
But what people find most difficult is the first step itself – the step to plan. When we don’t plan on how to go about with the website development, we often find numerous roadblocks. And that is what scares people the most.
Moreover, making a website is very crucial for the success of any business. And you cannot avoid it at all. So how should you go about with your fear?
Isn’t it better to follow some planned roadmap to the development?
Here in this article, I will help you out with the right strategy, and guide you the best road to your website development.
Find out the Issues
Conduct the preliminary research regarding what your business is about. Take a note of your, as well as all the stakeholders’, objectives. You can either conduct a workshop for the same or an interview with all the important personalities related to your business.
This kind of research will bring out the right issues that you need to address through your website. Use this research as the input to your next stage.
Get the Data
After having known the issues to address, get the right data about features, prices, etc. that needs to go on your website. Conduct Audience and competition research about what your target audience is preferring, and what your competitors are providing.
Such kind of data comes very handy when you are planning to overthrow your competition. This will also give you a great edge on starting at par with your competitor. Hold workshops to come in terms with such huge data.
Form a Strategy
Now you have the issues and the data with you. Based on this analysis and the goals you have set for your website, develop a set of requirements. These requirements can be anything related to your features, functionality, and so on. Conduct a keyword research, prepare some call to action, take technical considerations in mind, design your future goals, and so on.
Based on all the things you concluded, useĀ an Excel Gantt Chart template to outline all those objectives and various milestones you need to achieve in your chosen time frame.
Make the Final Plan
Now the plan is ready and all you have to do is take the action. Present this plan in your final meeting and get started with an efficient website building.
No wonder all of these steps are huge and heavy. But these are must when you are working for a big organization. Even a minor step ignored can cause you a bad reputation and many more disadvantages. So, better be cautious than sorry!