Although the link between rich results and an improvement in your site’s overall position on SERPs hasn’t been clearly established yet, rank tracking serpbook indicates that the effects may be favorable. Structured data may not, at present be considered as a ranking factor, it does, however, influence conversion to some degree. Here’s why.


  • Rich results allow your users to get key answers to various questions without having to navigate through an entire website. This means that rankings and brand names aren’t a factor. This Google feature attempts to link user queries with the most appropriate answers.

What this does essentially, is to put you on the map if your content matches up to any of the FAQs. If you have a well laid out strategy and high-quality content, then this will definitely improve your conversion rate.

Benefits of Rich Results 

The best thing about rich results is the fact that you don’t have to be an authoritative website to appear in ‘’position zero”. Rich results even out the playing field, so although you may not be top in text rankings, you will be the first thing viewers see when they do a search.

Rich results are also more useful, and a faster way to get answers to questions that may not require an elaborate answer. If your site proves to be a useful resource, then chances are you will clock a high CTR, which will essentially improve your rankings.


These results create a more precise, more focused response to user questions. The fact that these responses are posted in boxes also allows users to get answers without the distraction of negative spaces-ads, irrelevant videos, etc.

Finally, rich results give a clear, concise indication of what your site is about, and the kind of resource you provide. This works for you in two-fold.

  • It makes it easier for search engines to index and catalogue your site.
  • Users get exactly what kind of value you offer without having to go through your entire site just to know what you offer.

So how exactly do rich results influence conversion?

  • They are more target oriented. Research by Steelhouse actually indicates that more target based techniques actually improve conversion by up to 300%. The implication here is that if your strategy is well laid out, and you have rich content to match, then you can expect a much higher conversion with rich results.
  • Rich results also give you the rare opportunity to stand out over larger more established brands. That little text box is your opportunity to stand out. This little feature is memorable, and it will allow you to market your brand, and be unique. But only if you do it right.
  • Consider the fact that this is the result of a more specific search. That means that the user is looking for a precise answer. You may be among a list of people offering the same service. If your site offers the kind of service people are looking for, if you have relevant answers and your site is top-notch, then you will be in a list among top brands!

Making the most out of rich results


There are a few ways to optimize your rich results:

  • Don’t put the entire answer on the snippet. Ensure your site has more detailed information on the topic.
  • Rich results set a kind of quality precedent. It is important to ensure that once they click through to your site, they will find the same quality in terms of content and overall user experience.
  • Try to get your users to review your services. Star ratings and positive reviews actually drive up the value of your rich results. It is estimated that up to 80% of internet users purchase products based solely on reviews.
  • Be simple, precise, and ensure your tone is conversational. Be engaging and ensure you answer the question without going round in circles.

Final Thoughts

Rich results give quick, easily palatable, meaningful results to relevant questions. If used correctly, they can be a useful resource, allowing website owners to engage with potential customers, while building brand at the same time.