When you inhale and exhale any kind of aerosol, that is referred to as vaping. This has become a very common habit all throughout the world, with the availability of devices like e-cigars, vapor kits, or any other vaping devices. The vape produced should not be confused with tobacco smoke, since it is more like a water vapor actually consisting of fine particles.
With the rise of e-cigars, vaping has also become popular. And now, you can find various vaping devices available in the market, such as vape pens, e-cigars, personal best vaporizer mods, and so on. You can also find numerous companies producing vaping kits like Smok Vape Kits. These kits make it easy for you to vape.
But how to choose a good vaping kit for yourself? Here are a few points if you are a beginner in this field.
Size of the e-cigarette
When you are just making a switch from small traditional cigarettes to e-cigars, the switch can be quite overwhelming considering the size of e-cigars. Though you may also find smaller e-cigarettes, but they are not enough to provide you with the feeling where you actually feel the switch.
And so, for a beginner, a bigger size e-cigar or vape pen is the right choice.
Vaping depends on electricity. So choose a starter vape kit that has enough capacity of battery to last you throughout the day at the least. Keep an extra battery in hand in case the first one runs out of charge and you need to use the vaping device urgently.
Vapor Production
This is the most important factor when choosing a vaping kit. You need to make sure that the kit you pick, produces enough vapor to satisfy you. Besides the flavor, the e-liquid has 2 more components as base, VG (Vegetable Glycerin) andĀ PG (Propylene Glycol). The VG component of the base determines the amount of vapor the device would produce. More the VG, more the vapor. And PG provides that throat hit sensation you were looking for in the first place. It provides you with the real feeling that something is crossing your throat.
Lastly, you need to ensure that the vape kit is safe for you to use. For that, you need to check whether the tank is glass or plastic. Plastic can react to chemicals and can degrade. So glass is a better option. Secondly, see whether there are security features in the battery. See whether the battery switches off automatically or not in case of short circuit. And also see whether the metal used is RoHS certified or not. This certification proves that there is no lead content in the metal.