Have you been looking at specific websites and realizing some stand out more than others? Perhaps you are looking at your own and wondering how you can make your website look better. It’s hard to put your finger right on what a website needs in order to stand out, so the NJ SEO experts are here to share with you a list of things that you can be doing on your website to ensure they are there. This will help your website to look all-around better, more professional, easier to navigate through, and just an all-around better website that people will want to go back to. Keep reading to learn more. 


Pictures are not only good because they are nice and visual, but they also tell a story. Many people will scan through your website and you want your pictures to share what the writing shares. Make them warm and inviting. You want to have a cover or banner photo on each of the pages on your website. This is especially true on your home page. Most pages should also have one additional picture on it that goes throughout the words. It will break up the text and will make it easier for people to continue reading. Make sure that you don’t just download any photo from the internet because that can be illegal. Be specific about which photos you choose and if there is a main theme color within the image, make sure that it goes with your theme colors around it. 

Contact information easy to see

One of the most frustrating things for people is not being able to find contact information on a website. They want to come to your office or call you but they cannot. If that happens, it ruins the entire website for them and they will hop on over to a competitor’s website. Instead, make it displayed large on the front page and also have a contact us page that makes it easy to see all of your information. On that page, you also can have a contact us form so that you can fill it out.

Make sure you are specific about how long it will take to get back to them hough. You don’t want them thinking it is more of a text messaging service. State on the site that you will get back to them within 48 hours and make sure there is a spot in order to contact them. 

Enough information on each page

Some people try and only tell the story with pictures. Some people try and make their website a simple one with minimal words on it. Although simple can be good, you want people to know what the website is even within the first couple of seconds they are on it. You also want each page to have enough information about each product or service. For example, you may have done a great job of talking about the company, but if they don’t know if this tool will do the trick for them, they won’t end up buying it. Try and have at least 300 words on each page. This will also help your website when it comes to search engine optimization. 

What kind of company you are

Just as we said, you want the reader to know what kind of website and company you are within seconds of clicking on your website. They want to be able to tell more about you instantly. This will help your website to stand out against others and will help to make it a great website. 

You stay on brand

Branding is very important. If you have a yellow background, don’t have a red background on the next page, and a white on the next page, and a black on the last page. Stick to two to three colors that complement each other and only use those colors when you are going through the website. Whether that means the background color, the text color, text boxes, and more, keep it consistent. You also want the text to stay consistent. Pick one or two fonts and use them throughout the entire website. You won’t believe how much more professional this makes your website look and how your branding will really start standing out. 

Talk about who you are

The final recommendation we have is to tell your audience and your readers who you are. Tell them the back story, tell them how long you have been in business, if you have a large company, you can give a picture and a bit about some of the bigger names in the business. If you have a smaller company, talk about them and give pictures of some of your employees. At a minimum, you want to give the head of the company. This will give the company more of a face and will allow them to see they are contributing their sale to a family, not just a website they are seeing online. 

As you can see, a website may be easier to make amazing than you originally thought. It’s important to go through each of these, one by one, and see if your website has that same look to it. If you have not built your website yet, these are things to keep in mind while building it or to look at when you finally have it all complete. We hope that this list helped and you are one step closer to having more sales, having a great looking website, and having people come back to your website each time they need your product again.