Peace is guaranteed when the plumbing at your home and community is working correctly. Many take it for granted but if there are plumbing issues the whole house can come to a standstill if the showers aren’t working, the toilets aren’t flushing and driveways aren’t clean.

It is said in the plumbing community, a plumber protects the health of the nation, and it is the truth. Things deteriorate when the plumbing systems in a country are not working. Home owners need specific attention to make sure the plumbing is working in their homes and they are themselves not creating problems to add to the problems.

Don’t flush baby wipes/ sanitary napkins down the drain

Plumbers Shreveport share some basic facts to take care of. Only two things can be flushed in the toilet, toilet paper and human waste, everything else is a nuisance for the plumbing system and clogs the pipes. Even if the wipes, feminine hygiene products or paper towels box mention they can be flushed, do remember, they CANNOT be flushed. They will definitely clog the pipes thus refrain from flushing them down the drain. It will not only clog your home pipes but also clog up the entire sewer system thus becoming a mess for the city’s sewage treatment plant. Toss all these waste in the trash.

Don’t use harsh chemicals or grease

People have a habit of pouring store-bought drain cleaner down the sink to clean the clogs. They think this habit works best for plumbing. But as shared by a professional Shreveport plumber, it does not, and you need to stop doing it at once. These methods are ineffective and caustic. These chemical drain cleaners burn the pipes eventually and affect your skin too. The chemicals are just pushing the gunk further down the drain and not burning it as mentioned in the packets. It eventually clogs the entire plumbing system.

The same advice goes for the grease, food oil, etc that people pour in the sink. These materials stick to the walls of the pipes and clog the drain. These grease mixes with the raw sewage people drain in the sink to create a sewer-damaging blob called a fatberg. Refrain from doing this to not only have a clear plumbing system at home but also in your community.