The majority of homeowners in Chicago pay hundreds of dollars for plumbing. And the amount can even spike up if the plumbing system gets issues like a dripping faucet. Unless you don’t mind wasting extra dollars, you may want to cut down your plumbing-related bills with the help of the following tips.

Find and Fix Leaks

Leaks can happen anywhere, including basement pipes, kitchen faucets, and toilets. It’s a common and expensive problem in US households. You may wonder how a leak can be costly. Well, undetected leaks can result in gallons of wasted water. In fact, the United States wastes 1 trillion gallons of water every year from leaks. It can cause your water bill to spike up. Aside from that, you may have to deal with property damage.

That being said, you should fix a leak as soon as you spot them. But since some leaks may be hidden, it would help calling a top-rated plumbing company in Chicago instead.

Fix a Dripping Faucet

A dripping faucet is more than just an annoying sound; it can waste gallons of water and add hundreds of dollars to your annual water bill. Even a relatively slow-dripping tap – a typical rate of 10 drips every minute – can still waste three liters of water a day which is 90 liters per month.

A faster drip will waste more water and add more to your water bill. On average, a dripping faucet will cost you approximately $20 every month. So if you want to save money, don’t procrastinate on fixing the leaking tap.

Install a Low-Flow Showerhead

Low-flow showerheads are an easy and inexpensive way to reduce your home’s water consumption and your water bill. Older showerheads have a flow rate of 5.5 gallons per minute (GPM), while low-flow showerheads have a more or less 2.5 GPM flow rate. Hence, swapping an old unit for newer models that use 2.5 GPM can save a family of four tens of thousands of gallons of water per year, resulting in hundreds of dollars in annual savings.

Inspect Your Toilet

Check your toilet for leaks. A simple trick like dropping food coloring into your water tank can help you in the process. If the coloring seeps into the toilet bowl in less than 15 minutes, there may be a leak. You should call in a top-rated plumbing company in Chicago as soon as possible to prevent wasting water.

Also, listen to your toilet. If you hear a gurgling sound, it may be an indication of the main drain problem. Underground roots may have put pressure or penetrated your pipes, which causes the toilet to make a gurgling noise. So you need to seek a pro plumber’s help immediately.

Insulate your Water Heater

Insulating your hot water tank is another easy yet inexpensive way to save money every month. It could reduce standby heat losses by up to 45% and save you up to 6% in water heating cost. You can use a blanket or pre-cut jackets that cost just around $20. But if your water tank is new, it is probably already insulated.

Need help fixing plumbing problems or just want to upgrade your fixtures? Goode Plumbing is a top-rated plumbing company in Chicago that offers a wide range of plumbing services at an affordable price for commercial and residential customers.Contact them to schedule your service.