VPS, or Virtual Private Server Hosting provides you with numerous benefits for your website. If you are having a website that is on a shared hosting, and you are really serious about developing your website into good business, then you must switch to the managed VPS as quickly as possible.

This is the only way you would be able to grow efficiently. However, if you are totally satisfied with your current growth, you can continue using a shared hosting service.

But talking about the benefits of Managed VPS, they are tremendous. Managed VPS is when the service provider takes up the responsibility of managing your server. This includes:

  • Administration
  • Configuration, etc.

Technical Support

With managed VPS, you don’t have to worry about the technical support at all. If you are unable to handle anything about your hosting, then the hosting provider is there for you to solve your queries and handle them. You don’t have to deal with any technical issues on your own.

This becomes the biggest advantage for those, who are not much familiar with the hosting environment. But, if you are in this industry for quite a long time, and have run few websites on your own, then you would easily be able to handle an unmanaged VPS too.

No downtimes

Since the server is managed by the hosting provider itself, there would be no downtime or any other such issues. Some managed VPS providers, such as KnownHost VPS, provide you with fault tolerant mechanism and infrastructure, which reduces your downtime to zero.

Security of the server

You no longer have to worry about the security of your server as well. Each server is prone to hacking and viruses. And if you are managing the server yourself, you have to be cautious of these issues all the time.

But with managed VPS, the security concerns are handled by the providers only. They continuously scan the servers for any vulnerabilities or issues. They will also take care of the security patches that are needed in the server and so on. So, going with the managed VPS would be the best decision if you are new to the hosting environment.