Many bags are so called businessbags. Which one is the best for you?
The best bag for going to the office is the bag that fits your character and appereance. You have to feel confident in your outfit as well as with your bag. Overdone? Not at all. A good comfortable and functional bag is important. Especially if you carry the bag every day with you.
Choose a laptopbag with enough space
If you go to the office everyday, you need a laptoptas 17 inch that suits you. Easy to carry, enough space for laptop and most of all: stylish. You want to look chic and have a neat appearance. That is the reason why you want to have a bag of a great quality. But how do you know if the bag is sustainable and strong?
Castelijn & Beerens makes handcrafted sustainable bags
Leather bags are the ones that look the most stylish, provided these are made of the best leather quality, full grain leather. A brand that is the best in this category is Castelijn en Beerens. This brand makes traditional handcrafted sustainable bags. They look great and sophisticated. By carrying a Castelijn & Beerens you will look fabulous.
These bags are sustainable and strong. The leather will even be more flexible the longer you carry the bag with you. It becomes more and more your bag, personalized forever.
Plevier is specialised in business bags
Another brand that creates great bags made out of beautiful leather is Plevier. Plevier is specialised in business bags. There are handbags and backpacks, with room for laptops in a special compartment. Of course you can carry these bags also over your shoulder with a longer shoulder strap.
With the retro and urban models there is a bag for everyone. Even casual as businesslike. With names as Manchester, Oxford and London you know you have a chic business bag suitable for taking it with you to the office.