If you are building any kind of website, hosting is necessary for that. Without hosting, your website would not run at all. But choosing the perfect fit for your website is not always easy. There are so many factors you need to consider before you pick a suitable type of hosting for yourself.
Web Hosting
Before we dive in and share each hosting in detail, let’s first discuss what web hosting is. The website you see on your systems is placed at some or the other server. This server is a powerful device, much more than a laptop, which has all the components like the CPU, operating system, etc.
The people who own this server rent it out to different people based on their plans. This is known as web hosting. Based on the type of hosting selected, you get different kinds of services and advantages from the owners. The 3 major kinds of hosting are:
- Shared
- Dedicated
If you deal with a forex website, or are sharing information such as best forex broker, you can use any of the above hostings for your purpose. Here we will discuss each kind of hosting in a bit of detail so that you can choose wisely.
This type of hosting is ideal for beginners. As the name signifies, you share one server with many other users and websites. Depending upon your set up and the owner of the server, it can be divided into any number of websites. It is ideal for those who have just started a website, and do not expect much traffic in the nearby time. The various benefits of Shared hosting are
- Your server cost is shared
- Operating costs are also shared
- It is the cheapest option available
- It is mostly pre-configured, leaving you to focus on your website alone.
However, there are some cons to it as well. Since many people are using the resources of the server, you will face a lot of performance issues. If one of the websites get attacked, the other websites also face security risks.
VPS Hosting
VPS stands for virtual private server. This is a little similar to shared hosting, in the terms that the server is still shared, but it has a different setup. While the server is one, it hosts various virtual machines, that are independent of each other. The demand on the server is decreased since it allows only limited websites only. But the benefits it brings to the users are
- Evenly split resources, therefore no website can use them in excess
- Attack on one website will not affect the other
- Offers you more flexibility, and you can customize your environment on your own
- And majorly, VPS is scalable, that is, you can increase your resources in future if you feel the need.
Some hostings are specialized for services like Forex. So if you are looking for cheap forex VPS, you can visit RouterHosting.
Dedicated Hosting
In this kind of hosting, a website gets a completely different server of its own. No website can use your resources, neither can they impose security breaches on your site. You can customize your server extensively, and manage it just the way you wish.
However, such kind of setup comes at a great cost. This is the costliest solution available and is best for those who can easily recover these costs through their business.