WordPress is an open-source platform that’s designed to simplify the website management process. With so many themes and plugins to choose from, anyone can manage their website with easy no matter their tech skills.

However, no matter how many WordPress updates and upgrades are out there, things still go wrong with the platform on both the user and the platform end. It’s always a good idea to take steps to prevent any problems from the start. Whether you’re a new WordPress user or an experienced webmaster, here are the best practices for managing your WordPress site.

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1. Always Save Backups

It only takes one big problem to lose your entire website. One failed plugin or hacker attempt can leave you without all of your content if you’re not careful. While we all like the believe that wouldn’t happen to our website, there’s no way to know that for certain.

It’s always better to be safe than sorry. Keeping backups of your website will give you the peace of mind that you can restore your content at any point in time. The good news is storing backups on WordPress is simple and inexpensive. You can use the free Updraft Plus plugin for WordPress to automatically save backups to your cloud storage. In a perfect world, you’d never need to use a backup. However, get in the habit of automatically making them just in case.

2. Create an Update Schedule

Your website needs to update regularly to stay secure. The WordPress and plugin updates come with security patches that keep hackers away from your website. If you’re not regularly updating, your website is unsecure.

You might only want to update one plugin or theme at a time. On the other hand, you might update everything at once. No matter what you decide, create a schedule and stick to it. Be prompt with your updates. You can’t afford to risk your website’s security.

Security is important in hosting

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3. Use Reputable Downloads

Any time you download and upload something to your website, you want to do your homework. Plugins and themes are a great way to optimize your website and customize it to your liking, but if you’re not careful, you might invite bad software into your WordPress site.

Just because you can find a plugin or theme for free doesn’t mean it’s good or safe. Always check for high user ratings and resources before downloading a plugin or theme. Make sure there have been recent, regular updates. This is especially true for ecommerce plugins that accept payment. That’s why it’s essential you start finding the best WooCommerce support partner to ensure you have no problems along the way.

4. Optimize Your Images

Your images can have a big impact on the success of your website. That doesn’t have anything to do with your photography skills (though that’s important too sometimes!) but everything to do with how large your images are. If your images are too large, they’ll slow down your website and impact the user experience.

What should you do? Use an image optimization tool like Smush to decrease the image size without compromising on quality. Be mindful of the sizes of your images before uploading.

5. Take Security Seriously

Finally, make sure you take your WordPress security seriously. It’s easy to assume that if your website is small, you won’t be the target of an attack, but that’s simply not true. Websites or all shapes and sizes are often targeted by hackers, and that’s not something you want to risk.

Be careful with your WordPress users, passwords, and cybersecurity. You should have regular updates, backups, and a spam detection system. Never get too comfortable with your security.


Managing your WordPress website doesn’t have to be complicated. Much of these tips above can be automated to save you time and money. As long as you’re being mindful and intentional with your security measures, you’re taking the right steps.

Hopefully, you’ll never have any problems with your WordPress website, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Website troubles are no fun, so let’s make sure your website is managed with confidence.