How To Improve Your Yoga Website

If you’re in the yoga business, you know you need a good website to promote your studio. Your website acts as the frontline for your studio and creates the first impression on your potential customers. If the website viewers don’t like your site, they most likely won’t want to enroll in your studio as well. So what exactly makes a good yoga website? These 5 tips will help you out: 

Have a Good Design

The first thing that people will look at when they go to your website is its design. Whether you like it or not, a good design commands respect. If you get that respect from your viewers, you can convert them into actual customers.

Of course, you need to ensure that your design is in line with your brand identity. For example, if your studio wants to project a hip type of yoga, then you’ll need bright glam colors. If you want to have a more zen identity, then you’ll need a zen theme.

Cover Your Website with Attractive Visuals

These days, people respond more to visuals than they do to content. In fact, some statistics show that articles that have corresponding images get 94% more views compared to articles that don’t. This clearly shows how important pictures are.

If that doesn’t convince you, MDG Advertising released some infographics  stating that 67% of consumers put a heavier emphasis on quality images as compared to product info, ratings, and product description. So whether you are selling yoga clothes on your website or are only promoting your services, you need good quality images. Start investing in a good camera now!

Make Necessary Info Easy to Access

When talking about necessary information, this means details that the viewer needs to know about your classes. These include your rates, timetable, schedule, and announcements. It is recommended that you don’t store these pieces of information in a downloadable PDF format because not everyone likes downloading files. Just put all these information in web pages that the viewers can access with a click.

Create Some Good Content

If you want your website to gain a lot of followers, you need to engage your viewers. Getting a solid base of followers is the first step to getting customers. You need to get viewers interested in your website before they decide to become customers. The only way to do that is to engage them with good content. Aside from just promoting the studio, post informative blogs. Give your viewers something interesting. You can post content about the types of yoga, yoga equipment to buy, or the history of yoga. Just make sure that your articles are compelling enough.

Provide Credentials

Lastly, place your credentials in a separate webpage. You need to upload your instructor biography so that people can trust you. If you want to build a relationship with your clients, they need to know who you are. As long as they see that you’re credible, they will enroll.


Are you ready to start promoting your yoga studio online? The five tips above will help you do so. As long as you know what your clientele wants and follow these useful techniques, you can get a lot of students to sign up for your lessons.