Gone are the days when textbook learning was the only option that had been available for students. With the advent of internet, students and educators now have the option of getting information not just through books, but online as well. Today, there are many educational websites that can be easily found online through very simple research. But before we proceed further, let’s understand clearly what an educational website really is.

To put it simply, educational websites are those sites that provide carious tools such as games, videos or different topics, blogs or articles that enhance the learning and can supplement or assist with classroom teaching.

Type of Educational Websites

As new methods of teaching, develop and technology is integrated in the teaching methods, the number of different types of online educational websites are also increasing. If you search online for an educational website, you will come across several different types of sites.

Some of these websites include:

  • Websites for school or university – This type of website provides information about the school or college, staff, students, fee structure and different programs that it offered.
  • Websites or educational portals – This is the type of website that offers various study materials for students to use. Such sites can also include live classes, online tutorials and many more resources to assist students. These types of websites also provide various writing services as well as academic transcription services.
  • Websites offering memberships – Educational membership websites are those where students can submit their assignments, take classes, manage their courses online by logging in to the site using their id and password created on the site.

Educational Websites – To Be or Not To Be?

Creating a website for educational purpose is an excellent idea and one that makes a lot of sense from a business point of view. For schools, colleges and other educational institutions, such websites can generate superior success if managed and created properly.

That being said, let’s take a look at some of the benefits of creating an educational website:

  1. Websites go beyond the geographical boundaries and therefore, create an online presence for a school or college. Therefore a well-developed site can actually play a critical role in providing information about schools and colleges.

  2. Another advantage of a developed website is that it acts as a resource for information. Today, educational institutions are using websites to provide potential students with information about their different programs and courses offered their as well as about the staff, provide different resources such as handbooks, video tours of the campus and so much more.

  3. A website today has become essential for any business – even if that business is a school/college – to build credibility. A well-developed website can easily help in achieving that and boost the success of your school or college.

  4. A website is a great way to provide a variety of information. This information could be about an event that is being organized and coming up, or it could be information about celebrating any achievement. Websites can act as a digital bulletin board that keeps students in the loop about different events and activities that are being scheduled.

Important Elements for an Educational Website

In order to create an educational website, there are a few elements that one must keep in mind for its success. These must-have elements include:

  1. Front page – Also called the homepage, it’s one of the most important pages since it’s the first page that a student visits on a website. The homepage consists of the following important elements:
    1. Logo
    2. Social icons
    3. Images of your campus
    4. Important/latest news
    5. Latest activities and upcoming events

  2. About us page to provide information to students

  3. Courses and programs offered

  4. Fee structure information for students

  5. Registration form to sign up for the courses and programs

  6. Contact form for students to get in touch regarding any queries

For any educational website to be a success, creating a site that is easy to navigate and has comprehensive information will be one that is the most successful. Therefore, keeping the above elements in mind can be crucial for the success of your educational website.