Even though one of the latest entrants in Social Media platforms, Snapchat is gaining popularity very quickly. Inherently, Snapchat is used to send photos and short videos to friends and family. But one can even use it to expand his business.

How? Well, that is a task we will discuss in this complete article.

Firstly, let’s discuss why this media became so popular. People send snaps to each other, which gets deleted from the server after a few seconds of opening. So when the media is getting deleted, why Snapchat is getting popular? That is because it brings a sense of urgency to the snaps.

You might have heard of the common phrase, “less is more”. Here, this phrase fits perfectly. Lesser the time, more important the snaps are perceived to be. And that is why Snapchat is rising the ladder of popularity.

Now let’s come to the business. It has more than 500 million installs on Android play store, which is a huge number considering just 1 platform. Having such a large active customer base gives a business a lot of opportunities to increase its website traffic. Let’s work on how you can achieve that.

Increase Snapchat Following

There are various ways in which Snapchat following can be increased. Share viral content and use viral Snapchat stories for your profile. You can personalize your brand by sharing personal happenings in your business. You can give away special offers and discounts. The fun events that take place in your business – you can share them with your Snapchat audience. Not just this, you can also use Snapchat spy apps to spy on users and amend your strategies accordingly.

You will start noticing the increase in your traffic with these few techniques. Once your followers are increased, you can direct them to your own website by sharing the products or services your business deals in.

Engage on Other Social Media Platforms

Don’t just make your account on Snapchat. Leverage other mediums as well to increase your snapchat traffic. Make your account on different social media platforms and share your snapchat videos there. Once you have a good following on different platforms, you can use that to indirectly increase your Snapchat followers.

Whatever videos you create using Snapchat, copy the URLs and share them on Facebook, Twitter, and many other places. Using that URL, people will be directed to your Snapchat profile. And then, using this opportunity, you can not only increase followers here, but also direct this traffic to your own website.