A local server is a server, that is hosted locally on your machine or local computer. With the help of a local server, you can test your website as many times you want before updating it to the web server. It saves your time as well as it is easy to use.

XAMPP, WAMP, LAMP, MAMP are local servers that are mainly used while developing PHP websites. This software is mainly used to test the website locally. With these local servers, the programmers can test their website locally, before uploading it to the main server. By testing locally, we can find out the errors and bugs before uploading. The major difference between XAMPP, WAMP, LAMP, and MAMP is its operating system.

  • (ie) XAMPP is for X-OS, Apache, Mysql, PHP, Perl.
  • WAMP is for Windows
  • LAMP is for Linux
  • MAMP is for Mac OS X


The full form of XAMPP stands for Cross-platform, Apache, MariaDB(Mysql), PHP and Perl. It is one of the simplest and light-weight local servers that is used to test your website locally. It is an open source platform. This includes X-OS because it works in all major operating systems like Windows, Linux, Mac etc. It includes features like  Filezilla, mercury mail, supporting Perl and much more. One of the main advantages is that you can perform as many testing and update the content in your website testing locally. Since it is an open source, you can easily download and install in your system. You can perform a number of testing installing it once.


The full form of WAMP stands for Windows, Apache, Mysql, and PHP. This server works only on Windows operating system. It is an open source platform and uses the Apache web server. It also uses the MySQL relational database management system and PHP object-oriented scripting language. The important part of WAMP is Apache that is used to run a web server on windows. By running this local server on windows, the web developer can test their web pages without publishing them lively. With this local server, you can test dynamic websites without publishing it on the live web server. It is easy to use and code with PHP. It is available for both 32 bit and 64-bit system.


The full form of LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, Mysql, and PHP. It is an open source platform and works on the Linux operating system. It uses Apache web server, MySQL relational database management system, and PHP object-oriented scripting language. Since this platform has four layers, it can also be called a LAMP stack. It is highly secured working with Linux OS. The LAMP is easy to code with PHP. It is a cheap and ubiquitous hosting platform. Instead of only serving static HTML pages, a LAMP server can generate dynamic web pages that run PHP code and load data from a MySQL database.


The full form of MAMP stands for Mac, Apache, Mysql, and PHP. MAMP is an open source platform and it works on Mac operating system. As the above local server, MAMP uses Apache web server, Mysql relational database management system, and PHP object-oriented language. It gives you all the tools that you run WordPress on your machine, for the purpose of development and testing. You can install this in Mac or Windows-based PC.

All the above mentioned local server are really easy to use and you need not require any high stuff configuration. All these servers come with a pack of default settings. You can perform multiple updations and testing with these local servers before making your website lively. Hope you got an idea about the above mentioned local servers. If you have any queries, please feel free to comment us and if you know any added advantage about this server, share your information.