Every sort of website is into making these days. While some people focus on making websites on generic areas like science, technology, etc. Some go more niche into these segments such that they dedicate a complete website on 1 micro niche area, like bitcoin.

What is more advisable out of the 2? Should you go with generic, or micro niche?

According to me, one should not make website keeping everything in mind. Pick a micro segment out of that, and focus on building a better website on that. And some of the great options that you can explore are tutorship, gym, recipes, accommodation options, etc. You might be wondering what is so special about a micro segment, and why not go with generic website? We will list down some advantages if going ahead with a micro niche.

Easier to target

When you know what articles you are going to write, it becomes easier to target your audience. You don’t have to write generic terms or work on finding different terms for different niches. Here, you exactly know who is your target audience, and what do they like. And now, all you need is write a better content keeping that target audience in mind.

Moreover, promoting such content is also easy. Your target is well defined, and you can reach out to them easily via different mediums. You don’t have to filter out various parameters, and try and test which audience will like your content better.

A Good example of this would be StrawBerry Student Homes which provides student homes in Sheffield.

Easy to maintain quality

If you are writing about micro niche segment, you become well versed with that area very quickly. And then, whatever you will write, you would be knowing it fully. This has a very good advantage in terms that your time is saved in hunting the information.

After just a few articles, you would know a lot more about the content than many other people in the same field. And so, the articles that would be written, would be of great quality. In short, it becomes very easy to maintain the quality of your website as well as content.

SEO benefits

The niche websites also perform way better than the generic websites when it comes to SEO performance. Google gives preference to niche segments in their rankings. And this means that SEO will show results quicker and better in terms of micro niches.

In short, if you have a choice and are going to start making a website, better go with the micro niche, so as to see results quicker and better.