Do you ever feel like there must be some secret to success when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO)? Does it feel like your efforts often fall short and you just aren’t getting the results you’re after? While there are all kinds of ingredients involved in successful SEO practices, content is one that should never be overlooked. In fact, many experts, such as those at Click Fusion, a leading SEO company, would argue that content is the absolute key to success for SEO.

Still not convinced? Here are 10 reasons why content is so important in SEO.

Reason 1

SEO relies heavily on keywords and search terms, so content provides you with the opportunity to use them. Using strong keywords and search terms will help you in terms of your ranking on web pages. This is referred to as strategic content writing.

Reason 2

When you upload intriguing and interesting content on a regular basis, you will begin to build a loyal following. Readers will come back for more, which will allow you to hammer home your message more effectively.

Reason 3

Content also provides you with the opportunity to build links and share links, which again can help your web page to garner more traffic. Link building is another key tool when it comes to SEO, but you need the content to exist in order to use this tool.

Reason 4

Strategic content writing allows you the opportunity to appeal to a very specific target audience, so in that sense, it can be more effective than traditional forms of marketing.

Reason 5

The more individual links you have, the better Google can rank your website. What this means is the more content you create, the better it will be for your ranking and, therefore, page views.

Reason 6

Well thought out content can also fill a purpose or a “search task accomplishment”. This is a new buzz term that is catching on as of late, and will soon play an even greater role in determining your ranking on Google.

Reason 7

Content also allows you to showcase your business and help you stand out from your competition. Remember, content isn’t just about words; it’s also about sharing infographics, photos, videos, and so on.

Reason 8

Blogging is one of the hottest trends out there right now, with over two million being posted on a daily basis. It’s a trend that any business should be aware of and want to participate in so that they can be competitive.

Reason 9

Google is pretty smart when it comes to searching out content, and it knows to look for websites that have fresh content. Simply by updating your content on a regular basis, you will create the “freshness” that Google’s algorithm is after.

Reason 10

Finally, there is the fact that content can give you the chance to really position your company as an expert in the field, which will help to build a loyal customer base.

It’s clear to see that content is something you’ll want to think twice about and ensure that you’re optimizing so that you can get the most out of your SEO efforts.