Conversions don’t come easy, particularly for the people in your niche. If you want to stand out and turn readers into actual customers, you need to do everything correctly. From using the right images to proofreading your copy, you need to pay close attention to how you produce and publish your content.

To help you boost your conversion rates and generate sales, here are some of the best and most useful tips you can use.

1. Make Your Headlines Compelling

Your headlines are the first things customers see on your website. They are what draw them in the first place, so you have to be really careful in creating compelling headlines.

The right headline should be able to catch their attention. It can be about a solution to a common traveling problem or something that can make their trips less stressful and more enjoyable.

Test new headlines as you create them. It’s one way of making sure you’re using the right ones.

2. Add Social Proof

Whether it’s a case study or a few customer testimonials, adding social proof never fails to increase conversions. This is because people favor credible sites more than others. And the more they favor you, the more they are likely to buy your content.

With that, you may want to consider giving your customers the option to review your products. To encourage them, you can offer coupons or give them discounts they can use the next time they visit your site. Apart from that, you can also ask them to voice out any complaints. That will give you the opportunity to address the issues and gain more positive and realistic reviews.

3. Use the Right CTA

Choosing and using the right CTA copy can nudge your users in the right direction. So, be clear and direct with your copy.

As a rule of thumb, you should use texts that denote the exact action your customers are expecting once they click on your buttons. Avoid ambiguous CTAs as they will only confuse your customers and force them to exit the page. Additionally, consider delegating such tasks to professionals.

CTA’s are probably among the trickiest aspects of a strong copy. Sites like Trust My Paper have large lists of writers that you can consult or ask for tips on how to craft the most compelling CTA in your individual case.

4. Use High-Quality Images

To help you decide if your images are adequate enough, put yourself in the shoes of your customers.

Since they won’t be able to actually touch your products or try them on, you should use and show images that tell as many details as possible. That way, your customers will have an idea of what they’ll be getting.

5. Utilize a Live Chat Software

Do not underestimate the power of availability when it comes to selling products. Believe it or not, customers tend to favor sites that use live chat software to respond to their customers’ inquiry fast.

If you decide to add one to your site,  you need to be available during business hours. Try not to allow your software to go into an unavailable mode as that creates a wrong impression. As a rule of thumb, don’t implement it if you won’t be there to respond.

6. Include detailed product descriptions

In addition to using high-quality photos, you should also provide as much detail as possible about the products on your site. That way, your customers will know what to expect. It can also limit the questions they’ll ask about the products.

7. Check Grammar and Spelling

Believe it or not, these two are essential in establishing your site’s credibility. So, take the time to proofread your content and make sure that there aren’t any misspelled words in your copy before publishing.


There’s nothing exceptionally complicated behind writing a copy that will ensure conversions, the only important thing is dedication and a bit of the secret copywriter knowledge.

Conversions are a result of a psychology put in action at the right time and in the right context. By applying at least a few of the tips you’ve found in this article, your copies will be more compelling and more enticing to your potential customers. Good luck!