More than Facebook, Instagram is becoming popular today. Seems like Facebook had its share of run already. And now, people are switching to Instagram, either to promote their products, or to just pass their time.

As per different researches, products promoted on Instagram have more chances of getting sold as compared to any other social media platform. That is the reason companies are looking forward to promoting themselves here.

Now when you know this is a great option, how would you promote yourself on Instagram?

Create a Business Account

This is different from your regular account, and here you get more privileges than you would get from your normal Instagram account.

When you choose to make a business account, you get access to analytics of how your posts are performing. Here, you can check which posts are getting viewed by which kind of audience, and you can also get insights on your audience in general.

While analytics is an added advantage here, make sure you have added the link to your bio as well. After all, the primary agenda is to take people from your page to your website only.

Post Content Frequently and Use Hashtags

Do not limit yourself to posting rarely. Keep posting on your Instagram business page regularly and keep your audience engaged. The best way to reach out to a wider audience is by using different hashtags.

For example, if you are running a Forex Live Contest, you would be able to attract large number of people if you know how to reach them through hashtags. There are various tags that people keep searching for, time to time. Getting to see your contest on one such tag would work in your favor always. Forex promotion would work best when you have used a sufficiently good quality of hashtags in each of your post.

The hashtags that you use on Facebook or Twitter would definitely be relevant here as well. In addition, use some more depending upon your business and the Instagram channel as a whole. Make sure to use a mix of highly popular and less popular hashtags to let people view your posts regularly.

If you are confused on which hashtags to use, you can also check the search bar on Instagram to find out the relevant hashtags along with the number of posts related to each. This number govern how popular that particular hashtag is. Check out the suggestions and use the hashtags that suit best with your post.

Keep your content engaging and interesting. That is the primary key to attract people!