Latest technological changes have affected almost all parts of our day-to-day life including non-profit organizations. We talked with school fundraising professionals at Xtraman Fundraising about the digital trends they are seeing when it comes to their fundraising discount cards industry. They have changed the ways of interaction between the non-profit organization and their donors. Some of the digital trends in fundraising are gaining popularity among non-profit organizations. We discuss are few of those trends here.

Digital Trends in Fundraising

Giving and Marketing Automation

Any organization may not be able to deal similarly with all of its donors due to lack of resources and time. But the use of software for marketing automation can help non-profit organizations to get engaged deeply in a particular program or their entire mission by providing individualized pathways to the potential donors and creating appeals on personal levels.

Raising Donations Constantly Through Technology

One of the largest problems of non-profit organizations is to convert occasional donors into consistent donors. Recurring donations can be beneficial for them as they will enable them to plan their activities and predict their funds. But the recurring donors expect the commitment of the organization about the strategic engagements. Professional online retailers that aid in fundraising say that technology can help in raising donations by making the donors feel that they are regularly connected to the organization.

Relevant Personalized Communication

Give a personalized shape to the appeals for donation. Instead of displaying a message about uninteresting projects on the donation page they should use the right technology that can recommend the things to the organization in which their donors can be interested, by collecting their data. They should use fast growing digital fundraising software which can connect them with their prospective donors to meet their needs along with giving a great experience to the donors. The aim of such organizations is to change the ways of attracting charitable donations by changing according to the thinking of the donors and technology can help in this regard.

Consistent Interruption of Commercial Platforms like FaceBook etc.

The commercial features deployed by the social media platforms like FaceBook etc. have considerably affected the raising of charitable donations. The fees for charitable fundraising has been removed recently by the social media platforms which have greatly affected a number of non-profit fundraisers which work as business models as they used to charge a fee for their business like activities.

Reducing Overheads to Invest in Technology

Many non-profit organizations and fundraisers have started thinking about reducing their overhead expenses so that the money saved can be invested in new technologies to increase their funds from their donors, regular and prospective. In fact, most of the organizations consider spending in financial management, research, and evaluation as unnecessary overheads, which is a misconception. Actually, they are not able to raise donations due to their narrow mindedness. They can serve their community more efficiently by investing in technology which can help them in reducing their costs along with creating new opportunities for them.

Thus, these latest digital trends in fundraising can improve the chances for non-profit organizations to raise funds for the communities they serve. By using fast growing software options they can attract more donors and encourage them to donate. It will also reduce their overheads along with increasing their funds.