A typical situation for most businesses is that they try doing marketing but face a monetary crisis.

What’s the way out?

You don’t always have to focus on expensive marketing tactics. Instead, try out low-budget marketing hacks to build your brand.

When focusing on inexpensive marketing tactics, growth hacking plays a pivotal role. Coined in 2010 by Sean Ellis, growth hacking is a point where marketing and engineering converge. Often used by startups and businesses with low marketing revenue, it helps achieve accelerated growth by using creative, analytical and inexpensive methods.

You can implement these techniques on a meager marketing budget. You have to devote some time and get focused.

1. Obtain Links From Service Providers

It’s a common fact that a website needs high-quality backlinks to rank well. Purchasing links can be a costly affair. It’s also poor practice.

Try fostering relationships with business partners and service providers. Connect with them and request them to link to your blog. And you get a whole lot of potent backlinks.

All it’ll cost you is some time for emailing.

2. Leave Engaging Comments On Blogs

The objective of marketing is to build your brand. A feasible way of doing so is by commenting on your choicest blogs consistently.

Here are some tips for doing so:

  • Find the top 5 blogs related to your niche
  • Comment on their posts consistently. Make sure to read the post before leaving a valuable comment
  • As readers see your brand name associated with your comments, they start becoming familiar

Remember that with each comment, your brand starts gaining momentum. Just ensure not to leave dumb comments. The perception of your brand depends on your comment quality.

3. Leverage on Twitter

Twitter is, perhaps the best marketing platform. Because of its huge output and immediate reach, it produces massive levels of referral traffic, nonstop social buzz and lots of brand exposure.

Start by following 10-micro influencers in your niche with a follower range of 2000-5000. Mention them in comments and retweet their tweets. Once you start associating with them, you’ll have your decent follower number.

Here are some inexpensive twitter marketing tools that may help you grow your brand presence.

4. Upsell Your Present Customer Base

Many people see marketing as a method of acquiring new customers. But you’ll be appalled to know that some great marketing occurs with your current customer base. The chances of selling to an existing customer are 60 to 70% while the figures for a new customer are between just 5 to 20%, according to the author of Marketing Metrics.

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Also, produce recommendations drives 10 to 30% of revenue. Marketing to your old customers is a low-cost affair and relatively easy. Plus, the benefits are humungous.

5. Focus on User-Generated Content

How readers/visitors are consuming content is changing. User-Generated Content (UGC) has grown beyond other forms of marketing and has become a trustworthy and competent element of modern content marketing strategy.

According to Stackla, consumers find UGC authentic by 2.4x more. Pour some motivation into your customers and followers so that they tell their own stories. By doing so, you open the floodgates to a whole lot of engaging content without depleting your marketing budget.

Final Thoughts

You don’t always need to break your bank for effective marketing. It can require nothing more than your time and efforts.

You can surely increase your presence by following all the tactics above. Or else choose one and go with it.