People are living a stressful life that is causing them many sleep disorders. Either they are sleeping a lot or not at all. Poor lifestyles and unhealthy diets are also the main reasons for sleep disorders. Science has discovered many remedies to cure sleep disorders. One such remedy is Adrafinil. Today in this post we are covering all the terms related to adrafinil such as benefits, the process of usage and availability.

What is Adrafinil

Adrafinil is a compound of synthetic nootropic which is manufactured and designed primarily for people struggling with narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that causes excessive sleepiness, sleep paralysis and hallucinations. Adrafinil works as a stimulant in the human neurological system. Earlier it was called Olmifon and people often confused this compound with another compound known as Modafinil.

Adrafinil is manufactured and marketed by Lafon Laboratories which operates throughout the USA. According to the laboratory, it is helpful to fight against fatigue, improves focus and boosts energy. This compound is also helpful for enhancing the motivation and mood. There are many other primary benefits of Adrafinil that are given below.

Benefits of Adrafinil

There are many benefits of using this prodrug. It affects our cognitive function and nervous system. Initially, Adrafinil was manufactured for wakefulness-promoting qualities. Over the time it has shown significant cognitive improvement among users. Mostly the people who experience daytime exhaustion or nightmare work difficulties, are using adrafinil to increase their mental and physical energy to stay active.

Adrafinil is also helpful to prevent daytime drowsiness and increase attentiveness. This drug has significant stimulating effects that work without hyperactivity. Many consumers have reported stress reduction and overall well being of their mental health due to this product.

It contains many nootropic benefits that may lead a consumer to get a better memory, improved learning capacity and enhanced focus. This drug is also helpful to grow exploratory behavior in mice and rats.

Is Adrafinil Legal

Adrafinil is legal throughout the US and it can be taken without a prescription. It is not scheduled as many other controlled medications and substances. Users can buy adrafinil over the counter. It is also legal in Canada and the UK for the same reasons.