The rise of app downloads (four million+) from the world’s leading app stores has prompted businesses to create stellar marketing campaigns to differentiate its app from all others. And while concentrating on developing a great app that has functionality for the intended user, this is to no avail if the audience the app has been built for doesn’t know it exists.

The following tips are designed to demonstrate how to promote an app.

Search Ads

Use Google Ads to promote your app on YouTube, Google Play, etc. They will walk you through each step and give you suggestions based on the information you provide. Search ads can help get your app in front of the people who are most likely interested in what your app provides. They are also quite effective in getting more app installs.

Influencer Endorsements

Are there others in your market that you have a close association with and that you can contact? If so, don’t be afraid to ask them to help you promote your app. Being able to get your app in front of their followers is another opportunity to get more installs.

Make sure that the influencer you use aligns with your app’s target audience.

Traditional Advertising/In-Store

Handle your app like you would any product launch.

If you have a brick and mortar store be sure to promote instore to help increase awareness and get users to install the app.


Don’t the underestimate the value of word-of-mouth advertising. Word of mouth is still an effective way of getting your product noticed. Why? People buy from people they trust and there more likely to buy a product recommended from a trusted family member or friend. Users want an experience that caters to them on a one-to-one basis. And if your app does this, you can garner life-long users.

External Websites

When it comes to advertising or promoting your app don’t just stop with your own website. Use review websites to promote your app, for example. People get a chance to examine many different products and your app could very well be one of them!

By listing your app on review websites it increases its discoverability. Plus, they’re free so, if you’re on a limited budget this is another great way to get your app noticed.

Public Relations

Share information about your app before its launch date. Generate buzz via influencer mentions. Below are just a few ways to make this happen:

  • Press Release
  • Pitch to local news outlets
  • Guest blogging

Closing Thoughts

Although there are many ways in which to promote your Android app mentioned in this article, it is not an exhaustive list. Having an app that adds value to your users is far better than having an abundance of users looking at your app versus those who actually download your app because they find it useful. As such, it’s important to know who your target audience is so that you can properly target the right people.