Is it the fault of computer technology and media that our memory weakens too soon? You can’t remember the pin, the name of the movie you liked, or why you’ve just walked into the kitchen? We all have these moments, and of course, we worry about the state of our memory. After all, playing classic casino games and poker games adapted for a casino or visiting topbettingonline, you can beat the dealer by collecting the best combination of cards with a good memory.

With the increasing complexity and acceleration of our lives, it becomes even more difficult to remember everything. Recently, Scottish scientists have identified a new disease that describes this type of memory loss- Busy Lifestyle Syndrome (BLS). According to the data obtained by the company’s doctors CPS Research (Glasgow), which is engaged in clinical trials, the syndrome develops due to the overload of information coming from the mobile phones, television, radio, and the Internet.

“Signs of the problem are everywhere,” said Angela Scott-Henderson, a spokeswoman for the company. “Our attention is distributed, and the level of concentration falls. This problem is spreading to a huge number of people, including young people.”

After clinical trials, pharmaceutical companies will begin to develop a new business direction -the sale of so-called “memory pills.” They believe that people who worry about the state of their brains do exist. But do you need to take the new drugs to speed up your memory processes?

Does this problem come first?

We know that forgetting is a normal process. Scientific studies show quite clearly that even in healthy people, there are up to 30 cases of mental failures like “Why did I go up to the second floor?”

In the hectic world of mobile phones, email, and multi-channel television, the more we do and perceive, the more we forget. So what is normal forgetfulness, and what is abnormal?

Natural problems with memory:

  • forget why you have risen on the upper floor;
  • it takes you a few minutes to remember where you have parked the car;
  • forget to call back a friend because you are busy at home with children;
  • you can’t find anything for a long time;
  • forget about a detail your friend told you about yesterday;
  • forget the name of the person you just met;
  • forget the word for a concept for a short time.

Why is this happening?

Dr. Marie Jensen, head of research for Alzheimer’s disease in the United Kingdom, explains: “the brain has to decide whether it should remember the new information – if so, it is stored in the long-term memory, if not, it is deleted.”

Stress, grief, and lack of sleep can also affect the process of remembering, as well as trying to do many things at the same time.

Symptoms that make you a bit worried:

  • it becomes difficult to perform multiple tasks at the same time;
  • problems with daily instances (e.g., you regularly forget where you parked your car);
  • you forget the names of your close relatives and friends;
  • problems recognizing faces, colors, shapes, and words;
  • repeat the question you voiced half an hour before;
  • personality changes (now you act like a sociable person, and next you become a hermit);
  • find yourself leaving things in the wrong place (key in the lock, for example) and can’t remember what you did.

Many of these symptoms may, in fact, be a sign of depression, stress, or lack of concentration. However, these may also be the first warning signs of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

“Dementia patients who are monitored are often brought to the hospital, primarily by the concerned family members who see that something has gone wrong. Many of the patients are unable to remember the names of the people around them. After all, if you are aware of your memory problems, dementia does not threaten you”, adds the neurologist Dr. Cockerell.