A person who is keen to run a website just focuses on the domain name. But this domain is just the official address of his account by which he/she can be recognized. Here comes the role of a web host. It will act as the communicating link between the owner of the website and browsers on the internet. In the modern era of online business, both domain and host are important parameters. People should understand the basics of website building and then only go for a website host. Incomplete knowledge or wrong information can make the owner suffer throughout his life. Also, monetary factors cannot be ignored. Buying an oversized hosting plan for a small professional website is completely useless.

Web hosting companies allow the owner to rent some space on their website server. Through this server, the traffic is going to come to his/her website by the domain address. In exchange, they charge an amount of money from the owner of the website. This kind of symbiotic relationship is a successful attempt that is creating a revolution in the world of the internet and business.

Before designing the website, the owner must afford to work on Linux or Windows Operating system. The computer or laptop device should have sufficient RAM. Additionally, learning some added technical skills will help a lot. Since as the website traffic will grow exponentially, the owner now has to shift from shared hosting to dedicated hosting. In dedicated hosting, all responsibilities of running the server are now entirely on the user and not any web hosting company.

The financial parameter should be considered while shifting to multiple web hosting services. If the user is facing a dilemma about what to buy, he/she may follow the basic rule. Starting with shared hosting with cheap plans will the best work. Once the traffic increases exponentially in the website, plans may be upgraded. The good thing is all kinds of web hosting is provided by a single web hosting company. Thus one can easily change the mind during running the website.

For the best web hosting solution you can try out HostingRaja! And the reason is they are an Indian based hosting provider, where they provide pretty much all sorts of web hosting from shared service to dedicated servers. This company is pretty innovative with the modern technologies and provides best uptime to its users.

Must-know tips before you get started with Web hosting

For selecting one particular web hosting service, the following points should be kept in mind.

a) You almost always get what you paid for.

If the website creation is just a medium of pastime, one can certainly consider the cheapest option. But for a commercial purpose, only considering the financial parameter is not right. Since it is a long term game, a decent but cost-effective option may be one form of the initial investment.

b) Beware of getting fooled by the pretending agents

The total cost price of the hosting service should be carefully learned along with its terms and agreements. Some companies fool the public. They provide amazing service during the initial months. Suddenly they increase the monthly rent of the hosting service after full payment. This is a huge issue faced by most of the persons who are new to the web world.

c) Check whether the company can be trusted or not

Before buying any hosting service, proper information should be gathered regarding the authenticity of the owner. The reviews on Google and YouTube may help a lot. Sometimes the person acts to be the real owner. He re-sells the web host to another person. This is a serious crime.

d) Know your limits

Sometimes to start a new website alone, a huge responsibility is involved. Therefore it is advised to understand the potential. By keeping backup plans and professional help, he/she may easily understand the legal and commercial terms and conditions.

e) Consider website builders

An alternative solution to web hosting service can be website builders. The ultimate goal is to stay online and increment of daily traffic volume.