The Sci-Fi genre enjoys huge popularity at a global level in both movies as well as books. There are many sci-fi books that were written about 20 to 30 years ago and they have become a reality in today’s time. Sci-Fi books take us to the futuristic world that is created out of the imagination of authors.

There are many examples existing in today’s time in which one can imagine how Sci-fi is becoming real science fiction. It may come as a complete surprise to you but there are many instances when the prediction of sci-fi authors has come true. All this hint at just one thing that fiction is not always a pure fantasy and one can easily take lessons out of various sci-fi works.

Some people may raise a question over sci-fi becoming a real science fiction but history and facts don’t lie. And it is evident from the fact that there are plenty of incidents happened in the history that show the sci-fi taking a real form. Whether it is the subject of space exploration or energy weapons, many things have come out in an excellent fashion. In this post, we have mentioned a few examples based on our claim. Here is the list:

Energy Weapons

The use of energy weapons has become a reality in the US and the country’s military use non-lethal laser pistols in order to control the crowd. It causes a lot of discomfort to the target’s skin and makes it flee from a given place. Have you ever wondered where the idea of this weapon originated?

Well, it is a result of the 1911 sci-fi book, Thomas A Swift’s Electric Rifle. Jack Cover, Nasa researcher worked exceptionally hard to create the device. It is one of the best sci-fi books that people read even in today’s time. He read the sci-fi book in his childhood days and makes available a laser gun that fires high-power lightning to meet the purpose of using it.

Space Exploration – Landing on Moon

Jules Verne published the novel, From the Earth to the Moon in the year 1865. The novel showed three Americans got fired into space and launched a lunar vessel known as Columbiad weighing over 20,000 lbs. And after a time span of 100 years in 1965, the US also sent three men to the moon using its command module Columbia with a weight of 26,300 lbs at a cost of $16 bn.

The resemblance between the two instances can be judged from the fact that the cost mentioned in the sci-fi book was $5.5bn and it is equivalent to $13 bn, the cost of sending three Americans to the moon by the US in 1965. And this achievement remained in the news for a long time and it strengthened the belief of people in the Sci-Fi works of many authors.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a reality in the technology world of today’s time and it is being used today in many industries. However, Samuel Butler in his novel, Erewhon in 1872 already told the audience about this. The use of real robots has become a reality and they are replacing humans in doing various types of works in today’s time.

By coding a real robot to do a particular task, it is possible to make it useful to work as a human. And in the years to come, it will replace humans to a great extent. There are plenty of machine learning courses available in today’s time to help people learn about the way to implement a machine learning course in everyday life.

Nuclear Bombs

In the year 1914, a novel titled, The World Set Free was released by H.G. Wells that mentioned a hand grenade of uranium that explode till it ceases to exist. And it became a reality after a time period of three decades when the US threw two nuclear bombs in Japan at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The widespread destruction caused by that incident disturbs people even in today’s time. In his novel, the author very well mentioned the destructive nature of an atomic bomb and how devastating it was for humans as well as the environment.

Research on Anti-Depressants

Aldous Huxley published a novel titled, Brave New World in the year 1931 which is based on a mood-altering pill known as Soma. After 20 years of publishing the book, scientists started researching on anti-depressants to erase the feelings of unhappiness in the brain. In reality, scientists first came with a direct link between depression and brain chemicals in 1951 and it helped to release many anti-depressants in the medical world.

So, these are some of the examples that show how the sci-fi genre is becoming a reality in today’s time. It has now taken the form of real science fiction and more works based on published sci-fi books can be seen in reality.