Working a couple of hours at the dining table will do, but at a weakly base hours and hours working in the kitchen, sitting on a kitchen chair is a no go! Then it is time for a real office chair. 

Your officebag, a great Burkelystays unused because you work at home. You started at the kitchen table, but that has changed. Maybe you have your own office-room in the attic, or a large desk in the guest bedroom. That’s more quiet and you can concentrate better.

You need a comfortable chair

You have a fancy desk and some books and plants around you. A great picture on the wall and so on. A chair from somewhere in the house is the thing you sit on for hours. You hang on the phone, make mindmaps, write articles and so on.

Freelancers already knew that working at home is great, but you need a good place to work and also a good chair. Backpain, tingling feet, not well perfused fingers, pain in the shoulders. These are examples of complaints if you are not sitting right. And you cannot even carry your ladies bag ( translated to dutch dames tas )anymore, because it hurts on your shoulder.

Office Chair must be adjustable to the user

A comfortable office chair can be adjusted to the user. In height and the part where the back leans. This is a good base. Also think about the extras like adjustable lumbar supports for example. A good office chair supports the whole body. It gives you balance and no redundant muscle tension. Your knees have to be in a ninety degree angle. Your arms and hands must lay relaxed on the table and keyboard. Also think about the hight of the display and the form of the mouse.

One last tip. Go out during lunchtime. Take a walk. Not carrying a heavy bag, but a Fanny Pack around your waist with your keys or maybe even soms sandwiches in it. It gives you fresh air and that will do fort he rest of the day, working at home.

Outdoor Sitting Can also be Refreshing

Since you are working from home, it doesn’t mean you have to limit yourself to a particular room. Exploring outdoors for working can be both refreshing and energetic. You can get a nice outdoor table to keep in your garden and work from there itself.

Moreover, when you are getting fresh air while working, your brain would stay active and will help you focus on the work better. Your output would increase and you will feel good even when you have to stay home all day long.