Have you been trading the markets for a while? If you are looking for a full-time job, it is tempting to include your trading background on your resume, particularly if your results are impressive. However, it is not always a good idea. Here is a look at the main pros and cons of trading experience for a candidate.

Rise of Trading

In India, Forex trading is booming. In recent years, global brokerage brands have started tailoring their services to the needs of the population. As a result, the local community of traders is expanding. This growth was spurred by the global pandemic. As consumers were confined to their homes, many were looking for ways to earn money online. Trading is a cool profession, and it is appealing to those who like analyzing trends.

Of course, succeeding is not easy, which is why you may think that impressing potential employers with your results is a legit move. After all, traders need strong analytical skills, emotional control, and adherence to sound strategies. Success comes to those who make consistent decisions and stay the course amid market turbulence. 

Overcoming failure is another crucial element. Winners learn from their mistakes and incorporate those lessons into their strategies. All of these are undeniably positives. But is the company interested in them?

Is the Position Relevant?

Study the vacancy closely. Does the job description involve anything even remotely connected to trading? Unless it does, you should think twice before describing your FX experience to the potential employer. This may backfire. 

Even if you have a fantastic annual return, the hiring manager may think you just failed to read the job description attentively, which is already construed as a red flag. To sum up, online trading should only be included when it is relevant, and you should keep the description brief. A few bullet points should suffice. Focus on what you achieved and express it correctly.

Moreover, if you have achieved your profit through copy trading, it is not worth mentioning at all. After all, the system is based on delegation. For example, through the Forextime broker, you may choose an expert who will essentially manage your investments for you — their strategy will be replicated in your account. Here, you do not need so much independent analysis. This is trading by proxy, however profitable it is.

Are you sure the position you are applying for requires trading skills? It is essential to ensure all the information on your resume is relevant. Otherwise, mentioning trading is like including knitting in a resume for an automotive industry worker. At the moment, trading experience comes in handy in the following realms:

  • Business Analyst
  • Business Transformation Leader 
  • Commercial Strategy Expert
  • Director
  • Founder
  • Innovation Associate
  • Relationship Manager
  • Sales Associate (pt)
  • Senior Manager
  • Trainee

How to Show Trading Skills 

Your resume should always highlight the skills most relevant to the position. If you are a stellar trader, but the job you are applying for is entirely different, avoid mentioning your successes altogether. Otherwise, it will only look like irrelevant bragging. These skills are generally in high demand:

  • Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Altcoins, Litecoin
  • Market research
  • Options trading
  • Record keeping
  • Stock trading
  • Technical analysis
  • Use of trading tools like platforms

Be Specific

Merely stating that you are a trader means nothing unless you can describe your experience intelligently during the interview. Employers may be interested in such aspects as risk management, dealing with drawdown, development, and backtesting of strategies. Include your profitability figures and remember to annualize them.

Follow the general rules of structuring. Focus on achievements rather than the activity itself. For instance, you may write something like:

  • Implemented efficient strategies and executed daily trading operations.
  • Monitored performance of the global currency market (or other markets depending on your instruments) to build successful trading strategies.
  • Kept a detailed record of regular trading activities.

The Bottom Line

Yes, trading is undeniably exciting, especially when you achieve high profits. Still, resist the urge to mention it on your resume if the employer has no interest in the field whatsoever. It is true for most industries outside finance. In addition, if you do include your experience, but choose the wrong format, the company may think you just misunderstand their activities.

To succeed, traders need a certain skill set that comes in handy in other professions. However, day trading gets a lot of bad rap, particularly today. Serious corporations may look down on forex trading, despite its profitability for talented individuals.