The sexiest human trait is confidence, especially when it comes to the first date. Feeling relaxed, speaking without a tremor in your voice, not falling into color from awkward pauses: this is already half the success. We have found some easy ways to set yourself up for a reasonable date.

Listen to Dynamic Music

Start your collection with the fitting soundtrack: let’s leave spleen and 50 shades of lyrics before your first fight. Now we need something with bass and rhymes “me” and “superstar.”

The text and genre are not necessary. The main thing is that it is dynamic. Research has shown that listening to music with bass helps a person feel more confident and more decisive. So motivational tracks aren’t just for running and fitness.

Use Perfume

Your perfect perfume will give you more attractiveness, but not at all in the way you think as Ua Dates – Dating Website for Marriage recommends. The point is not that the guy will fall in love with you from the first breath, but that the perfume will give you confidence and attractiveness.

Several studies show that perfume enhances self-esteem. For example, an experiment with men in 2009. One group was given a placebo deodorant – it had no scent, the second group of participants was left with their natural scent. The subjects were then asked to record a video, which the women would then judge.

Before and after the experiment, the men were asked to rate how confident they were. Confidence increased for those who used deodorant and decreased for those who did not. This was reflected in the video – women rated the placebo group as more attractive because their body language showed confidence.

Select a Clothing Color that Makes you Feel Beautiful

It is widely known that people rate red-clad partners as sexier and more attractive. But there is also research that confirms that clothing color affects the wearer and not just those around them. A 2017 article reported that wearing red makes people feel “physically attractive and sexually receptive.”

The point is psychology – since we associate red with passion and desire, those who wear it feel more confident because they know how others will perceive them.

However, remember that your own experience is more important than any statistics. If you don’t like red or think you’re good at it, choose something else. First, your outfit should add confidence and not correspond to someone’s ideas about sexuality.

Take a Classic Pose

Confidence affects the way we move, but it works in the opposite direction, too: your body language can shape the emotions you want.

Half of the participants were asked to take a powerful position – open and domineering. The other half were asked to sit cross-legged, leaning forward. Both groups of subjects remained in their positions for 2 minutes.

As it turned out, the group with the powerful pose felt better. Moreover, their blood testosterone levels increased, and cortisol levels decreased.

You don’t have to show a domineering pose in front of others to appear more confident. Stand beautiful, firm, and dominant in front of the mirror for a couple of minutes and go on a date. Remember the pose. It will suddenly come in handy at dinner or in bed.

Remember the Moments When You Were at Your Best

Self-hypnosis before an important event will help to believe in yourself. All you need is to remember the moments when you felt great: a successful presentation at work, communication with friends, any significant achievement. Tell yourself some inspiring phrases. You can use our set of affirmations from successful women. This method is excellent for any exciting event – dating, job interviews, public speaking.