Many site owners are interested in how much SEO promotion costs before finding a contractor who will do it. How to choose a SEO agency with the best value for money? The amount of costs is often directly proportional to the quality of services. Specialists offer their services at quite different prices. The results are also completely different.

What is the cost of SEO?

The main components that require certain costs:

The choice of strategy for which the promotion will be carried out 

It is quite expected that this takes some time, which is included in the cost of SEO. The more complex the task is – the more time it will take to complete it – the more expensive the services will cost.

Compilation of the semantic core of the site

It implies the selection of requests for which your promotion is most beneficial. A rather resource-intensive stage, it requires perseverance, attentiveness, the ability to analyze, and a lot of time.

Link building

The cost of promotion through links can be divided into two components:

  1. payment for the services of a specialist who will be engaged in the procurement;
  2. direct payment for links (if you buy them).

Copywriting services 

Quite a lot affects how much it costs to promote the site. The quality of the texts with which it is necessary to fill the pages depends on the level of his professionalism. He must take care of the uniqueness of the content and the convenience of perception not only by search engines but also by visitors.

Technical support 

You will definitely need a programmer who will set up the site in accordance with the recommendations of the SEO specialist. Significantly affects how much SEO promotion costs.

Now you can imagine how much work needs to be done and how many specialists it takes. Paying for their work is the price of SEO optimization.

How much does quality SEO website promotion cost? 

The amount spent on this can vary quite significantly. The price of SEO depends on:

  1. the level of professional skills of a specialist;
  2. their fame and the number of positive reviews about them;
  3. guarantees that they give;
  4. the level of competition of the subject of the site;
  5. the vastness of the audience coverage

The approximate minimum budget can fluctuate around $300/month. If they offer less, then they will not do everything that is necessary, which means that the result will not be 100%. But if you are seeking services from well-known professionals in the market and want to promote your site for highly competitive queries, be prepared for SEO costs from 1 to tens of thousands of dollars.

You should also know that the price of SEO promotion is on average two times less than the cost of contextual advertising, although it requires quite a lot of time (2-3 months). For this reason, it is more profitable to spend money on the services of a professional SEO specialist once than to try to increase traffic with the help of advertising.