Usually, SEO is an easy task. All you need to do is work on the back link building, taking care that you make promising and good quality back links maximum times, and ensuring you have good quality content on your website or blog. Though it needs consistency and a lot of work, it is not that difficult to achieve. But that is only true for mainstream SEO, that is SEO for companies and businesses that deal with common goods and services.

When we talk about Casino SEO, then this is one of the most difficult tasks to achieve. No matter how pro you are in doing SEO for the other websites and businesses, you would often face issues when doing SEO for the online casino sites.

Here are some of the issues you might face while doing your work, and why we believe SEO for such casino and gambling websites is difficult.

Not much linkable assets

In the case of other websites catering to different businesses, you have ample sources at your disposal from where you can acquire the links. Almost every website is willing to link you back if you know how to approach them and if you have quality content on your website.

But the same cannot be said for the online casino sites. Even if you have excellent content and large traffic, other websites would still refrain themselves from linking you back easily. And thus, the gambling websites, whether you consider casino or betting, have shortage of linkable assets. Not every website is comfortable in linking back to these casino websites.

So, this is the first problem you encounter when you start working on the SEO front of online casino websites. You already have a low collection of backlinks to begin with.

Huge Competition

When you cannot build enough backlinks, the competition also starts hurting. There is an immense competition int he gambling industry. In every country, there are numerous local as well as worldwide casino websites which are competing against one another.

And none of them have clear victory due to the shortage of good quality backlinks. The huge competition you face in this casino industry, starts hurting you too much.

Open promotions

Casinos are usually banned, or frowned upon by people. Though everyone loves to visit casinos or play casino games online, but no one is going to accept that in open and freely talk about that.

Due to this, the promotions also become difficult to do. You cannot reach out to people effectively either through social media, or through other advertisements.

Google Ads would also not work effectively here. Overall, Casino SEO takes a blow only because it is a part of gambling industry.