Most people get confused on whether to upload video on YouTube, or their own server. There is no definite answer to that. Each host has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Most of the times, people who have unlimited resources and money is not a constraint for them, they go with self hosted videos. While others who don’t wish to go through this difficulty, find social media platforms a better way to host them. In this article, we will talk about self hosted videos.

There are many platforms like hdnow, which are a great alternatives to Putlocker. With Putlocker getting banned from various countries, people have started switching to other options. But why look anywhere else for hosting your video, when you can do the same on your own website, with a lot more advantages.

Here we have listed down some benefits of hosting the videos by your own self.

Own the Data

This is the most beneficial point of hosting videos on your own server and website. You get to own your data fully. Now it is upon you how you want to show it, where you want to place it and for how long. With other platforms like YouTube, they are the ones to decide whether your video is appropriate or not, and much more.

When you host video on your own website, no one can ban that video or get it removed. In short, you are the 100% owner of it.

No Advertisements

Another great advantage here is that you can control the advertisements. Social Media platforms like YouTube and Facebook are infamous for such ads before their videos. And most of the people hate watching Ads or commercials in those videos.

With your own videos, you can easily skip that part and give users a great experience. Now people can straight away dive into your content and enjoy the videos without having to go through any irritation.

More Traffic

Firstly, you are showing a variety on your website, which itself attracts people more. And secondly, with a video sharing platform, people would want to come to your website in order to share their own content. So, overall, it is a really plus point to host videos directly on your server since you will start getting more direct traffic to your website.