Every website needs a server to run. Some go for shared servers, virtual servers, or dedicated servers. Businesses that are huge and need a lot of processing, require managed dedicated servers for their proper functioning.

Dedicated servers are the machines that are extremely powerful, and are rented solely by a single business or website. No sharing of resources happen, and the client can enjoy full benefits of dedicated machinery solely. In this, the machine that we are talking about, consists of a powerful computer. This includes a web server and software, is connected to the internet, and is hosted in the hosting company’s own location.

There are many hosting companies that can provide you with the best quality of dedicated server, fully managed by the company itself. Astral Servers is one of those companies, with 24×7 customer support and a variety of other benefits.

Where it can be used?

If you are just starting a website and don’t think you would require heavy workload for some considerable duration, it is better to go with shared hosting. However, if you believe your traffic is going to increase tremendously, and you would need dedicated resources to manage workload, then dedicated servers are your option.

For example, if your website is hitting 30 Million traffic every day, then it is the best option to go for dedicated servers. They can either be managed and controlled by the hosting company, or even you can manage and control them entirely. That depends completely on how you want to go ahead with these servers.

There are numerous benefits when you decide upon these servers with the hosting company.

  • You save router costs.
  • You also save much of the internet connection costs.
  • No need of security system.
  • You also reduce network administration costs, and so on.

Companies usually rent such a server. This includes some specific amount of memory, hard disk space, and the bandwidth. You can either use this service entirely for yourself. Or you can further rent it out to other clients, thereby providing virtual hosting.